Among the 21 new cardinals announced by Pope Francis is Bogor Bishop Paskalis Bruno Syukur. The three predecessors were all ...
The state media in Turkmenistan continue to spread news about social guarantees for all strata of the population, but the ...
Today's news: new Israeli bombs and eviction orders for hospitals in northern Gaza; According to a Unicef report in Oceania, 34% of women have experienced violence before the age of 18; ...
From St Peter's Square the invitation to pray the rosary ‘every day’. Entrusted to the ‘caring mother’ Ukraine, Palestine, ...
Francis’s decision to choose George Koovakkad, 51, his close aide in organising papal journeys, and not to the new major ...
At the summit underway in the Laotian capital, Thai Prime Minister Shinawatra proposes an "informal consultation" to find a ...
While they may be divided over the conflict between the Party of God and the Jewish State, Lebanese movements and parties are ...
Il magnate dell'automobile scomparso ieri all'età di 86 anni era noto nel Paese anche per i suoi "Tata Trusts", iniziative ...
Lanciata dall'associazione Hope for Light, era stata sognata già negli anni Novanta ma mai realizzata. Si propone come punto ...
Fra i 21 nuovi porporati annunciati da papa Francesco anche il vescovo di Bogor mons. Paskalis Bruno Syukur. I tre ...
I media statali in Turkmenistan continuano a diffondere notizie sulle garanzie sociali per tutti gli strati della popolazione ...
I media statali in Turkmenistan continuano a diffondere notizie sulle garanzie sociali per tutti gli strati della popolazione ...