There was a wide range of acts of resistance, rescue and aid organized through or by the Jewish community in Nazi-occupied Belgium. Panelists will consider the courage and compassion of those who ...
On this year’s Sonian Forest Day (20 October), a UN trail will be launched showcasing the forest’s rich history and biodiversity.
A tennis ball is known and iconic for two features: the yellow colour and the white stripe. Mathilde Wittock eliminated both by hand cutting them at the white line and dying them in beautiful colors.
From week six, mothers often note they begin to feel more optimistic about the future. Photo: Den Kreative Skole In Denmark, the power of music is changing lives. Since its launch in 2021, the Music ...
Food and nutrition security is at the heart of priorities of the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union in this second half of 2024. Dr Katalin Freier, President (CODEV-PI) of the ...
Breast cancer, one of the most common cancers globally, claimed 670,000 lives in 2022 and was the most frequent cancer among women in 157 of 185 countries. According to the World Health Organization ...
Two of the cases are related to the granting of a mineral exploration permit on the complainants’ traditional territory. Photo: Magne Kveseth/ Finland violated the rights of Sámi Indigenous ...
Di seguito riportiamo la Dichiarazione del Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite del 9 Ottobre 2024 riguardante la situazione in Libia. The members of the Security Council welcomed the agreement ...
Algo está muito errado num mundo em que a fome e a subnutrição são uma realidade da vida de milhares de milhões de crianças, mulheres e homens. No Dia Mundial da Alimentação, lembramo-nos das 733 milh ...
Die Schweizer UN-Botschafterin Baeriswyl sagte als amtierende Präsidentin im Namen aller 15 Mitglieder, die Beteiligten seien aufgerufen, die Sicherheit des Personals und der Einrichtungen von UNIFIL ...
Nach dem Beschuss von Friedenssicherungskräften der Vereinten Nationen im Libanon mahnt UN-Generalsekretär Guterres Israel zur Zurückhaltung. Das Personal und die Posten der im Libanon stationierten U ...
Mer enn 370 millioner jenter og kvinner – eller 1 av 8 – har opplevd voldtekt eller seksuelle overgrep før de fylte 18 år, ifølge nye tall fra UNICEF. De første globale og regionale estimatene på ...