The Council has today adopted the two legislative acts under the design package: the revised directive on the legal protection of designs and the amended regulation on community designs. The texts ...
Because of technologial developments, new circular economy business models and ever more global supply chains the EU has decided to improve its liability rulebook. The update also tackles the ...
European Council President Charles Michel delivered a speech at the ASEAN Business and Investment summit, held on the sidelines of the East Asia summit in Vientiane.
ЕС е дълбоко загрижен от катастрофалното хуманитарно положение в Газа и непропорционалното му въздействие върху цивилните ...
A UE está profundamente preocupada com a catastrófica situação humanitária em Gaza e com o seu efeito desproporcionado nos ...
Is cúis mhór imní don Aontas an staid thubaisteach dhaonnúil in Gaza agus an tionchar díréireach atá aici ar shibhialtaigh, ...
ES pauž dziļas bažas par katastrofālo humanitāro situāciju Gazā un tās nesamērīgo ietekmi uz civiliedzīvotājiem, jo īpaši ...
Az Európai Uniót mélyen aggasztja a Gázában kialakult katasztrofális humanitárius helyzet – amely aránytalanul nagy mértékben ...
EU je duboko zabrinut zbog katastrofalnog humanitarnog stanja u Gazi i njegova nerazmjernog učinka na na civile, osobito na ...
UE jest głęboko zaniepokojona katastrofalną sytuacją humanitarną w Strefie Gazy i jej nieproporcjonalnie dużym wpływem na ...
L-UE hija mħassba serjament dwar is-sitwazzjoni umanitarja katastrofika f'Gaża u l-effett sproporzjonat tagħha fuq iċ-ċivili, ...